Summer safety tips

Summer safety tips

Don’t let these health hazards get in the way of your summer fun.

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Did you know that 40% to 50% of Americans aged 65 and older will have skin cancer at least once?1 Since most skin cancers result from sun damage over time, the best time to protect your skin is now.

Skin cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. These UV safety tips will help protect your skin from sun damage:

  • Pay attention to the time. The sun’s UV rays are the strongest between 10 am and 4 pm. Try to schedule your time outside in the early morning or late afternoon. If you must be outside in the middle of the day, look for opportunities to stay in the shade.
Tip: If you wear a mask to avoid spreading COVID-19, it may offer some UV protection, but it doesn’t replace the need for daily sunscreen use.
  • Use the right sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 or higher if you’ll be outside for a while. The label should say “blocks UVA and UVB” or “broad spectrum.”
  • Use sunscreen correctly. Sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before being in the sun and then reapplied every two hours. Be sure to reapply immediately after swimming or heavy sweating.
  • Wear protective clothing. Protective clothing like a wide-brimmed hat, a long-sleeved shirt and long pants can help protect you from the sun’s harmful rays. Some types of outdoor clothing are designed to filter UV rays. Also, be sure to remember your UV-filtering sunglasses.

Skin cancer can look different from one person to another. If you see something new, changing or unusual on your skin, make an appointment to get it checked.

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  1. Skin cancer. Skin Cancer | The Oregon Clinic. (n.d.). Retrieved December 27, 2021, from