Back-to-school health tips for parents

Back-to-school health tips for parents

To help your kids have the best year possible, here are some tips you can use to help them stay healthy.

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If you’re a parent with school-age children, the start of a new school year can be an exciting time. For your kids, it means shopping for new school supplies, reuniting with old classmates, and maybe even updating their wardrobe.

To help your kids have the best year possible, here are some tips you can use to help them stay healthy—all while empowering them to take charge of their personal wellness.

Stock your kitchen wisely—Fill your kitchen with healthy ingredients and nutritious after-school snacks. Try swapping French fries for baked sweet potato fries—or even potato chips for air-popped popcorn. The possibilities are endless!
Make oral hygiene a routine—After a long day of school, kids might be tempted to skip monotonous bedtime routines like brushing and flossing. Busy adults can be just as guilty, so be sure to model good dental habits.

Give them the power of choice—An easy way to empower kids to take charge of their health is to give them options. This might mean letting them choose which healthy foods go in (and stay out) of their lunch box.

Don’t forget mental wellness—Kids have a lot on their minds these days. Look out for signs that might indicate mental and emotional issues, like extreme outbursts or changes in academic performance. Offer your child support and seek professional help if needed. 

As the school year goes on, look out for even more valuable teaching opportunities to help your kids develop healthy habits. Even if they don’t value the importance of it now, they’ll thank you in the long run.