3 reasons to schedule your annual checkup and dental cleaning now

3 reasons to schedule your annual checkup and dental cleaning now

There’s no cost to you — and no reason to wait. 

Calculator and cost chart

Having your annual checkup is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Here are three important reasons to make it a healthy habit.

  1. Protect your overall health
    Your annual checkup can help identify risks for chronic conditions. With that knowledge — and your doctor’s or dentist’s help — you can start to take control of your health. A few simple changes now could help you live a longer, healthier and happier life.
  2. Protect your wallet
    You’ve probably heard that “knowing your numbers” is important to your health. It’s also important to your budget. Keeping your blood pressure, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar and body mass index (BMI) at healthy levels can save you thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket and total health care costs each year.
  3. Start a relationship with your primary care doctor and dentist
    The better your doctor knows you, the better he or she can identify risk factors or changes in your health. And the better you know your doctor, the more comfortable you’ll be with your care. Your doctor is also your go-to resource to coordinate your care with specialists, connect you with support programs and more.

Schedule your wellness exam now. If you don’t already have a Primary Care Physician or Dentist, find a provider now.