Can tidying up make more space in my mind too?

Can tidying up make more space in my mind too?

Learn how an organized living space can improve your wellbeing.

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There’s no place like home – but you know what might be even better? A clean one.    

Research suggests that clutter can kinda get you down. On the flip side? Keeping things clean can boost your sense of well-being – along with a ton of other health benefits, like:

  • Stress relief: A clutter-free home helps create a sense of calm. Plus, coming home to cleanliness gives you a safe place to unwind after a long day. Bonus health points: The act of cleaning itself can help boost endorphins – and its great exercise.
  • Boost in productivity: An organized environment gives you a greater sense of accomplishment and control, which can help increase your focus.
  • Better sleep: A comfortable environment sets the tone for solid sleep, and clean sheets and allergen-free air can also help prevent sleep disturbances. 

Cleaning is really a form of self-care. But, you know, it’s still cleaning. To motivate yourself to stay on top of it, make a schedule and knock off a few chores at a time so it doesn’t seem like such a big job. Ready to feel more at home in your home? Let the tidying begin.